CApitulo 5 de nuestro podcast Transmission con la participacion del musicologo Fran Yera

Empezamos el 2025 con la fuerza del techno y la cercania de Miguel Perex aka Tax Adviser. Tax Adviser es un habitual de la escena electrónica más underground de Andalucia desde hace 2 décadas. Tras formar parte del equipo de Industrial Copera en su anterior etapa y ser uno de los impulsores del colectivo Miga,

DJ TONER For more than two decades, Dj Toner has been one of the Spanish references in terms of mixing jazz, hip hop and electronic music, both alone and as head of the Domestic collective and its current project DJToner Q4rtet. His new work “Outside” (2024) comes five years after his previous one, Grandmaster Jazz